RICHLAND, Wash.- Emily Hamilton is a fourth grade teacher at Sacajawea Elementary School. She was awarded March's Classroom Makeover from WaFd Bank.
Mrs. Hamilton was nominated by a parent who said, "she seems to work countless hours pouring her whole heart into her class and cares about the kids more than I have seen before."
Mrs. Hamilton works to create relationships with each kid, making sure they feel safe and loved.
"I feel very very lucky and blessed to get to come and be with them every day," said Mrs. Hamilton. "It's the hardest, most rewarding thing I've ever done."
Mrs. Hamilton became interested in teaching when volunteering in a classroom back in college. "I would say what makes this class stand out from the others is their attitudes," said Hamilton. "What I really appreciate about this class is their attitudes and their positivity and just being really curious and enthusiastic."
WaFd Bank believes in keeping our community strong through supporting students and teachers. Each month, WaFd and NonStop Local will choose a teacher from nominations by the community and present a check to their classroom. You can nominate a deserving teacher here.
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