Plans approved to turn almost 150-year-old church into two homes in Deal

By Hedi Mehrez

Plans approved to turn almost 150-year-old church into two homes in Deal

A former community church dating back to the 19th century which was "falling into disrepair" is set to be turned into two homes. The Victorian-era church located on the corner of Victoria Road and Stanley Road in Deal was built in 1881 and had been vacant for a few years.

Despite the church not being listed, it is a landmark building and falls within the Middle Street Conservation Area. The church was extended in 1882, and again in 1903, with the addition of a church hall. The church hall was converted to a single home in 2016.

Originally set to be turned into a single eight-bedroom home, the planning application was revised to convert the building into two four-bedroom houses. The reasons behind the decision cited by Raycasa Investments Ltd are based on the housing market and the rising costs.

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In new plans submitted to Dover District Council, they said: "Since planning permission was given in 2021 to convert this part of the church complex into a single dwelling, the housing market has changed significantly, with there being a reduced demand for such large houses in this location. Additionally, building costs have risen exponentially, consequently the original proposal is no longer economically viable."

The council raised no objection to the proposals but requested design amendments to ensure the proposals were in "keeping with the age of the building and surrounding". The application was amended in line with the comments received.

In a report from the council's planning officer, they said: "The proposed change of use would involve minor external alterations and would preserve the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and street scene. Furthermore, it is considered that the development would not harm the residential amenities of the surrounding dwellings, and provide a good level of amenity for future occupiers."

The plans will split the main building into two homes. It also includes the provision of 12 roof windows, the replacement of two ground floor windows with doors, plus a wall with bi-fold gate to access the parking area and outdoor amenity space, a cycle storage and a bin storage.

The report added: "It is noted that the current building is derelict and under the previous planning permission the previous congregation of the church had relocated to a new, purpose built facility and no longer required the use of this application building.

"Whilst the building could be rented to local groups for community activities, it is acknowledged there are a number of other facilities available for such uses in the area. As such, it is not considered that the change of use of the building to residential accommodation would result in a loss of facilities to the detriment of the local community."

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