Head of Program Education and Protection - Syria - Syrian Arab Republic

Head of Program Education and Protection - Syria - Syrian Arab Republic

Syrian Arab Republic, job based in Damascus with frequent travels, as security permits, to field locations


6 months renewable (depending to funding), starting in December 2024 / January 2025


Salaried contract, gross monthly salary from €2,369 to €2,884 according to experience, monthly per diem USD 850, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission, break every 3 months with break allowance. No family duty station.

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website www.trianglegh.org.

The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

More information on www.trianglegh.org, under "JOBS".

TGH reserves the right to end the recruitment process as soon as a candidate is positioned.

"Stakeholders in committed & sustainable international solidarity"

Founded in 1994, TGH is a French international solidarity organization based in Lyon. The association designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programs in the following sectors: water, hygiene and sanitation, civil engineering, food security and rural development, socio-educational and psychosocial. TGH is currently operating in 13 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

TGH has been working in Syria since 2017, and runs several projects which combine WASH, Education, Child Protection and Livelihoods activities across five governorates (Rural Damascus, Hama, South Idleb, Aleppo and Daraa). TGH works under the coordination of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), mandated by the Government of Syria to coordination humanitarian affairs, and is funded by DG ECHO, the Swiss Cooperation, the UN (mainly SHF/OCHA) and private foundations.

TGH's strategy consists in shifting to early recovery development-oriented programming, while maintaining the capacity to provide humanitarian assistance as needed. Our core program adopts an area-based approach, and integrates: school rehabilitation, teachers' training, Non-Formal Education, psychosocial support, case management, access to clean water, improved sanitation, hygiene promotion and - where possible - cash transfers. Additionally, we implement emergency response projects e.g. in urban Aleppo after 2023's earthquake, and we are currently developing interventions in favour if forcibly displaced people coming to Syria from Lebanon, including both Lebanese refugees and returning Syrians.

The mission is composed of more than 55 national staffs, 40 volunteers. The Education and Protection is the largest department of the mission in terms of human resources which includes Project Managers, Technical staff, field assistants and volunteers as well as incentive based teachers and school management staff under direct and indirect line of management of Head of Program. There are 6 expatriates in the mission: Country Director, WASH and Shelter Head of Program, Education and Protection Head of Program, Head of Admin, Finance and HR, Head of Logistics, and Grants Manager. Senior Management Team, including the Head of Programme for Education and Protection, is based in Damascus.

Under the supervision of the Country Director, the Head of Program Education and Protection is responsible of the overall implementation of the EiE and CP programs in Hama, Idleb, Aleppo, Rural Damascus and Dar'a Governorates, as well as program development.

The Head of Program Education and Protection will manage directly 3 Programs managers and 3 technical officers from TGH technical unit based in Damascus.

In direct collaboration with the Country Director, the Head of Program WASH and Shelter, Program Manager Cash & Livelihood, MEAL, Grant and the support services departments, the main responsibilities are:

This list of responsibilities could be modified according to the needs.

The current volatile and unpredictable context in Syria requires strict security rules in terms of movements and transmission of information / communication with the Country Director and the Headquarters.

Working and living conditions in Damascus are good but security has deteriorated since October 2023 and further deteriorated during the last quarter of 2024 as a consequences of the ongoing wars in the region. Communication means are satisfying (efficient internet, international phones).

The office is separated from the guesthouses. Individual rooms are available for each expatriate.

When in the field, international staff movements are strictly limited and under tracking. The Head of Program Education and Protection will perform short-term field visit.

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