Let's admit it: Schedule 1's Motel rooms are tiny. The room above the restaurant is an improvement, but we can still do better. What better way to celebrate a successful business venture than to buy our own house? Although the Bungalow isn't beautiful, it's a major improvement.
You can buy the Bungalow from Ray's Realty in the southeast part of Northtown. The Bungalow is the cheapest property available here, costing $6,000. It's a debit-only shop, so deposit money into an ATM before coming here.
If you're already at your weekly deposit limit, you may have to use Schedule 1's money laundering businesses like the Laundromat to exchange some additional funds. Otherwise, toss $6,000 on your debit card before traveling to Ray's Realty and asking him for the Bungalow.
If you've never visited this location and are near the Motel, head east toward Taco Ticklers and the Hyland Police Station before traveling south toward Gas-Mart. At the Gas-Mart sign, turn left until you see Ray's Realty on your right.
The Bungalow is located on the far left side of Westville. Using either bridge to cross the river, go past the Koyama Chemical Company and Construction Site to find the Bungalow next to the Brown Apartment Block.
Upon arriving at the location, you'll find a rundown house and a Loading Dock for deliveries. Now, you can order from places like Dan's Hardware, Gas-Mart, and Albert Hoover's Weed Seed shop. There's a $200 delivery fee, but everything else is the same price as usual. Now, rather than running to each store, you can have everything delivered to your Bungalow as long as you have the funds to pay for everything.
Before Schedule 1's release, a free "secret" Bungalow was available by downloading mods. While this served as a quick and easy way to get the Bungalow without paying for it, it wasn't published through NexusMods, making it a questionable source at best.
At the time of writing, a NexusMods version hasn't been released. Since this home is now available through the game's full release, your best bet is to get it legitimately by progressing through Schedule 1's main story or waiting for some fun NexusMods mods to appear.